Série ••• The Eastern Gate
5.000 amies

En l'honneur de la Journée internationale de l'amitié, le 30 Juillet prochain, le recueil de nouvelles américaines Sisterhood Folios: Live Out Loud (pas encore traduit en français) s’est donné pour objectif d'avoir un impact positif sur 5.000 femmes grâce à ce livre. À partir du 31 Juillet, et pendant 24 heures, Sisterhood Folios: Live Out sera disponible pour seulement 99 cents. Les 50 premiers qui téléchargeront et publieront une critique sur Amazon seront remboursés de leur achat.
Dans The Sisterhood Folios: Live Out Loud, 19 histoires nous parlent de ces femmes qui ont choisi de sortir de leur zone de confort et de se mettre à nu. Elles nous parlent de liens humains, d’attention, de bienveillance mais aussi d’amour.
Le lecteur découvrira dans The Sisterhood Chronicles Folios: Live Out des récits de relations fortes et réconfortantes, de chagrins d'amour, de voyages initiatiques et de rencontres aussi fortuites que vitales, dans une approche qui est très similaire à la mission d’un militaire, dans ce champ de bataille qu’est notre existence.
In honor of International Day Of Friendship on July 30 The Sisterhood folios: Live Out Loud is on a mission to positively impact 5,000 women with their book. For 24 hours starting on July 31 The Sisterhood folios: Live Out Loud will be made available to everyone for only 99 cents. The first 50 that download and post a review on Amazon will be refunded their $0.99
In The Sisterhood folios: Live Out Loud you will find 19 stories from average women who have stepped out of their comfort zone to bare their own souls. These connections are supportive, caring and passionate, and filled with love.
Skimming the pages of The Sisterhood Chronicles folios: Live Out Loud you will find narratives describing heartwarming relationships, heartache, and journeys of self-discovery created by interactions with people brought into our lives; something very similar to the Army’s mission. Living out loud can mean something to one person and create a completely different scenario to someone else. Yet, no matter what the circumstance, as long as we embrace true authenticity and the people that make our lives possible we will always succeed!
"If you loved reading Chicken Soup for the Soul when you were younger, you will love this book. The Sisterhood Chronicles: Live Out Loud, contains narratives describing heartwarming relationships, heartache, and journeys of self-discovery created by interactions with people who show up in our lives. This book connects with the deepest part of you when you least expect it to give you the inspiration and awareness to create your life from the place of your deepest hearts' desire! A must read for the truth-seeking woman who knows that community and sisterhood truly is the key to fulfillment" (Marni Battista, MAEd, CPC).
"In The Sisterhood Chronicles, has woven the different stages of what it is to be a woman and takes us with her on an emotionally connected journey to inspire us, uplift us, and bring home to us the depths of being a woman." (Agapi Stassinopoulos, author of Wake Up to the Joy of You).
Carol Starr Taylor, The Sisterhood Chronicles: Live out Loud,
Creative Publishing Group, 2017
"Lorsque ma vie recommencera"